Package cbr.service

Interface Summary
PicsFinder This interface provides access to content based image retrieval services.
PicsIndex This interface provides access to the service that manages indexes of pictures.
PicsSource This interface is implemented by classes that provide access to pictures and thumbnails.
StoreDelegate This delegate handles thumbnails on behalf of the PicsStore.

Class Summary
DistanceComparator A comparator that compares two picture entries according to their stored distances.
ExtractingIterator This iterator wraps around an iterator that returns raw images, and extracts features from the images by means of an FeatureExtractor.
FinderProxy Finds images according in an index.
LocalStoreDelegate This delegate handles thumbnails on behalf of the PicsStore.
PicsIterator This class iterates over the picture entries read from an input stream.
PicsStore This class manages an index of picture entries.
PictureCentral Manages a picture index and supports content based image retrieval on the index based on color coherence vectors.
PictureDB A class which implements the service that is used to advertise the pictures.
PictureEntry This class represents entries in the index of a picture broker.
PrivilegedFindAction Used to make privileged calls to the find() method of a PicsStore.
PrivilegedGet This class opens an URL input stream with a GET request.
PrivilegedOpen This class opens either a FileInputStream or a FileOutputStream to the file that is passed in the constructor, depending on the mode also passed to the constructor.
PrivilegedUpdateAction Used to make privileged calls to the update() method of a PicsStore.
ResourceStoreDelegate This delegate handles thumbnails on behalf of the PicsStore.
URLPicsSource A class which implements the service that is used to advertise pictures loaded remotely from a base URL.

Exception Summary
UnsupportedAlgorithmException This exception signals that a feature vector could not be mapped to the types of feature vectors supported locally.

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