
Class Summary
Background This class represents a background object.
Box This class represents a box (graphic object, leaf).
BranchGroup This class represents a BranchGroup.
Cone This class represents a cone (graphic object, leaf).
Cylinder This class represents a cylinder (graphic object, leaf).
DetailGroup This class represents a DetailGroup.
DistanceDetailGroup This class represents a DistanceDetailGroup.
Group This class represents a group.
HistoryGroup A HistoryGroup represents a group which can store mutable nodes and all their changes.
LatchGroup A LatchGroup represents a filter for the projectors.
Leaf This class represents a leaf.
ModelGraph This class represents a ModelGraph.
ModelGraphObject This class represents a graphic object.
Node This class represents a node.
Polygon This class represents a polygon (graphic object, leaf).
Primitive This class represents a primitive shape.
ProjectorObject This class represents a projector object.
Shape This class represents a shape.
Sphere This class represents a sphere (graphic object, leaf).
SwitchGroup This class represents a SwitchGroup.
Text This class represents a text (graphic object, leaf).
TransformGroup This class represents a trasformationGroup.
WireBoxGroup This class represents a WireBoxGroup.

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