Class Debug


public abstract class Debug
extends Object

An abstract class that presents a static interface for debugging output. It also provides a way to direct output into a log. There are two types of output - the regular output information, and the error information, and they can be handled separately. There are two differences between the two - the error file only gets created if there is an error, and the error messages have a header and a tail surrounding the messages, making them easier to spot. If the output and error file are set to be the same (setLogFile()), then that file is created automatically, regardless of anything being put into it.

Debugging output is turned on or off by system properties for applications, or parameters for applets.

A programmer can use code like the following:

 if (Debug.debugging("foo")) {
     System.out.println("Got " + nbytes + " bytes of data.");

The message gets printed when the application is run with or when the applet gets run with:

<param value=>

The special token debug.all turns on all debugging for both applets and applications.

Field Summary
private static Hashtable dbgTable
static boolean debugAll
          Flag to indicate whether all debug messages should get printed.
static String debugAllToken
          The user specified flag to indicate all debugging is on.
private static String debugTokenHeader
protected static PrintStream err
          The stream where debugging error messages should go.
static String ERROR_HEADER
static String ERROR_TAIL
protected static boolean errorAppend
          Flag to have the errors appended to the error log.
protected static File errorFile
          The File for logging errors.
protected static DataOutputStream errorLog
          The DataOutputStream for logging errors.
protected static boolean notifyErr
          The flag for whether the err stream should still be notified if logging errors.
protected static boolean notifyOut
          The flag for whether the output stream should still be notified if logging output.
static boolean On
          Globally enable or disable debugging.
static PrintStream out
          The stream where debugging output should go.
protected static DataOutputStream outputLog
          The DataOutputStream for logging output.
Constructor Summary
private Debug()
          Don't allow construction, all methods are static.
Method Summary
static boolean debugging(String token)
          Indicates if the debugging for the named token is on or off.
static void directErrors(File file, boolean alsoToErrStream)
          Provide a file to log errors.
static void directErrors(OutputStream os, boolean alsoToErrStream)
          Provide a DataOutputStream to log errors.
static void directErrors(String filename, boolean append, boolean alsoToErrStream)
          Provide a file to log errors.
static void directOutput(File file, boolean alsoToOutStream)
          Provide a file to log output.
static void directOutput(OutputStream os, boolean alsoToOutStream)
          Provide a DataOutputStream to log output.
static void directOutput(String filename, boolean append, boolean alsoToOutStream)
          Provide a file to log output.
static void error(String errorString)
          Handle error messages, buy writing them to an error log, if that has been set up, and/or to the error stream, if requested.
static PrintStream getErrorStream()
          Accessor for the current error output stream.
static PrintStream getPrintStream()
          Accessor for the current debugging output stream.
static void init()
          Initialize debugging from the system properties.
static void init(Applet applet, String[] parameters)
          Initialize debugging for the given applet.
static void init(Properties p)
          Initialize debugging for an application.
static void main(String[] args)
          main routine used in unit testing.
static void message(String dbgToken, String message)
          Prints message if dbgToken debugging is on.
static void output()
          println to output.
static void output(String outputString)
          Handle output messages, buy writing them to an output log, if that has been set up, and/or to the output stream, if requested.
private static void postInit()
          Common inits, regardless of applet or application.
static void put(String dbgToken)
          Installs a new debug token
static void remove(String dbgToken)
          Rremoves a debug token
static void resetOutput()
          Reset the logging to the output.
static void sampleUsage()
          Dummy function to illustrate usage of the debugging class.
static void setErrorStream(PrintStream err)
          Sets the error output stream to the named stream.
static void setLog(File file, boolean alsoToStreams)
          Provide a file to log output.
static void setLog(OutputStream logStream, boolean alsoToStreams)
          Provide an output stream to log output.
static void setPrintStream(PrintStream out)
          Sets the debugging output stream to the named stream.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static String ERROR_HEADER


public static String ERROR_TAIL


public static final boolean On
Globally enable or disable debugging.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static PrintStream out
The stream where debugging output should go. Default is System.out.


protected static PrintStream err
The stream where debugging error messages should go. Default is System.err. Use the function Debug.error to write to it, in case you also want to direct output to a file.


protected static File errorFile
The File for logging errors.


protected static boolean notifyOut
The flag for whether the output stream should still be notified if logging output.


protected static boolean notifyErr
The flag for whether the err stream should still be notified if logging errors.


protected static DataOutputStream outputLog
The DataOutputStream for logging output.


protected static DataOutputStream errorLog
The DataOutputStream for logging errors.


protected static boolean errorAppend
Flag to have the errors appended to the error log.


public static boolean debugAll
Flag to indicate whether all debug messages should get printed. This is shorthand for defining all the debug symbols.


public static String debugAllToken
The user specified flag to indicate all debugging is on. Default is "all".


private static Hashtable dbgTable


private static String debugTokenHeader
Constructor Detail


private Debug()
Don't allow construction, all methods are static.

Method Detail


public static void init(Applet applet,
                        String[] parameters)
Initialize debugging for the given applet. Applets must pass an array of parameters because the applet Parameters list cannot be accessed in whole, only queried. The parameters list looks something like this:

 String[] debugTokens = {
  "debug.debug",      // com.bbn.openmap.Debug
  "debug.openmap",    // com.bbn.openmap.client.OpenMap
  "debug.mappanel",   // com.bbn.openmap.awt.MapPanel
  "debug.awt",        // com.bbn.openmap.awt.*
  "",        // com.bbn.openmap.Map
  "debug.layer",      // com.bbn.openmap.Layer
  "debug.proj",       // com.bbn.openmap.proj.*
  "debug.spec",       // com.bbn.openmap.spec.*
  "debug.env"     // com.bbn.openmap.Environment

applet - The applet
parameters - The debugging flags to look for in the applet's parameters list


public static void init(Properties p)
Initialize debugging for an application. Debugging symbols are detected in the given properties list, and must have the form "debug.X", where X is a debug token used in the application.

p - A properties list, usually System.getProperties()


public static void init()
Initialize debugging from the system properties.


private static void postInit()
Common inits, regardless of applet or application.


public static boolean debugging(String token)
Indicates if the debugging for the named token is on or off.

token - a candidate token
true if debugging is on, false otherwise.


public static void put(String dbgToken)
Installs a new debug token

dbgToken - token name


public static void remove(String dbgToken)
Rremoves a debug token

dbgToken - token name


public static void message(String dbgToken,
                           String message)
Prints message if dbgToken debugging is on. NOTE, WARNING!: this is a potentially expensive method if you pass a message String composed of many concatenated pairs. For example, like:
`onceStr+" "+uponStr+" a "+timeStr+", "+ ... +"\nThe end."'
Instead you should do:
  if (Debug.debugging(dbgToken)) {
      Debug.output(onceStr+" "+uponStr+" a "+timeStr+", "+ ... +"\nThe end.");

dbgToken - a token to be tested by debugging()
message - a message to be printed


public static void setPrintStream(PrintStream out)
Sets the debugging output stream to the named stream.

out - the desired debugging output stream


public static PrintStream getPrintStream()
Accessor for the current debugging output stream.

the current debugging output stream.


public static void directOutput(File file,
                                boolean alsoToOutStream)
Provide a file to log output. This can be in conjunction with the ouput stream, or instead of it. Will overwrite the file, if it exists.

file - the file to use for the error log.
alsoToOutStream - true if the out stream should still provide output, in addition to logging the ouput.


public static void directOutput(String filename,
                                boolean append,
                                boolean alsoToOutStream)
Provide a file to log output. This can be in conjunction with the ouput stream, or instead of it.

append - if true, log the output at the end of the file, instead of the beginning.
alsoToOutStream - true if the out stream should still provide output, in addition to logging the ouput.


public static void directOutput(OutputStream os,
                                boolean alsoToOutStream)
Provide a DataOutputStream to log output. This can be in conjunction with the ouput stream, or instead of it.

os - the OutputStream that's handling outputlogging.
alsoToOutStream - true if the out stream should still provide output, in addition to logging the ouput.


public static void setErrorStream(PrintStream err)
Sets the error output stream to the named stream.


public static PrintStream getErrorStream()
Accessor for the current error output stream.

the current error output stream.


public static void directErrors(File file,
                                boolean alsoToErrStream)
Provide a file to log errors. This can be in conjunction with the errorstream, or instead of it.

file - the file to use for the error log.
alsoToErrStream - true if the err stream should still provide output, in addition to logging the errors.


public static void directErrors(String filename,
                                boolean append,
                                boolean alsoToErrStream)
Provide a file to log errors. This can be in conjunction with the errorstream, or instead of it.

append - if true, log the output at the end of the file, instead of the beginning.
alsoToErrStream - true if the err stream should still provide output, in addition to logging the errors.


public static void directErrors(OutputStream os,
                                boolean alsoToErrStream)
Provide a DataOutputStream to log errors. This can be in conjunction with the errorstream, or instead of it.

os - the DataOutputStream handling error logging.
alsoToErrStream - true if the err stream should still provide output, in addition to logging the errors.


public static void error(String errorString)
Handle error messages, buy writing them to an error log, if that has been set up, and/or to the error stream, if requested. The special thing about error output is that the error is framed with a header and a tail, hopefully to make it easier for someone to spot in the log.

errorString - the string to write as an error.


public static void output()
println to output.


public static void output(String outputString)
Handle output messages, buy writing them to an output log, if that has been set up, and/or to the output stream, if requested.

outputString - the string to write as output.


public static void setLog(File file,
                          boolean alsoToStreams)
Provide a file to log output. This can be in conjunction with the streams, or instead of them. This basically sets the output log and the error log to be the same thing.

file - the file to use for the error log.
alsoToStreams - true if the streams should still provide output, in addition to logging the output.


public static void setLog(OutputStream logStream,
                          boolean alsoToStreams)
Provide an output stream to log output. This can be in conjunction with the streams, or instead of them. This basically sets the output log and the error log to be the same thing.

logStream - the output stream for output.
alsoToStreams - true if the streams should still provide output, in addition to logging the output.


public static void resetOutput()
Reset the logging to the output.


public static void sampleUsage()
Dummy function to illustrate usage of the debugging class.


public static void main(String[] args)
main routine used in unit testing.

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