Class NMEA183SentenceFormatException

  extended byjava.lang.Throwable
      extended byjava.lang.Exception
          extended byjava.lang.RuntimeException
              extended byjava.lang.IllegalArgumentException
                  extended byde.fhg.igd.gps.NMEA183SentenceFormatException
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class NMEA183SentenceFormatException
extends IllegalArgumentException

Thrown to indicate that the application attempted to convert a String to one of the NMEA183Sentences, but that the String does not have the appropriate format.

Dennis Bartussek
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class java.lang.RuntimeException
Fields inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new NMEA183SentenceFormatException with no detail message.
NMEA183SentenceFormatException(String message)
          Constructs a new NMEA183SentenceFormatException with the specified detail message.
NMEA183SentenceFormatException(String sentence, int index, String value)
          Constructs a new NMEA183SentenceFormatException with a detail message generated according to the specified arguments.
NMEA183SentenceFormatException(String sentence, String field, String value)
          Constructs a new NMEA183SentenceFormatException with a detail message generated according to the specified arguments.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NMEA183SentenceFormatException()
Constructs a new NMEA183SentenceFormatException with no detail message.


public NMEA183SentenceFormatException(String message)
Constructs a new NMEA183SentenceFormatException with the specified detail message.

message - the detail message


public NMEA183SentenceFormatException(String sentence,
                                      String field,
                                      String value)
Constructs a new NMEA183SentenceFormatException with a detail message generated according to the specified arguments.

sentence - the sentence that raised this exception
field - the field that contains the value that could not be converted
value - the value that could not be converted


public NMEA183SentenceFormatException(String sentence,
                                      int index,
                                      String value)
Constructs a new NMEA183SentenceFormatException with a detail message generated according to the specified arguments.

sentence - the sentence that raised this exception
index - the index of the field that contains the value that could not be converted
value - the value that could not be converted

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