Interface ConfigurationChangeListener

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public interface ConfigurationChangeListener
extends EventListener

Implementations of this listener interface will be notified on any kinds of configuration changes. For any property that may be subject to changes, an appropriate method is being provided by this interface.

Notice: Originally, the ConfigurationChange event mechanism was meant to be used by a GUI implementation, which is on the To-Do list. Hence, even though the mechanism is fully operational, it is not yet being used by the Logging Framework itself.

"$Id: 1913 2007-08-08 02:41:53Z jpeters $"
Matthias Pressfreund

Method Summary
 void bufferChanged(ConfigurationChangeEvent e)
          This method will be called in case a buffer definition has been added, changed or removed.
 void intervalChanged(ConfigurationChangeEvent e)
          This method will be called in case the interval between anchor timestamps has been changed.
 void loggerChanged(ConfigurationChangeEvent e)
          This method will be called in case the underlying logging mechanism has been exchanged.
 void logLevelChanged(ConfigurationChangeEvent e)
          This method will be called in case a log level has been added, changed or removed.
 void outputChanged(ConfigurationChangeEvent e)
          This method will be called in case output destinations have been added, changed or removed.

Method Detail


public void loggerChanged(ConfigurationChangeEvent e)
This method will be called in case the underlying logging mechanism has been exchanged. Required changes within the logging framework will be carried out here.

e - The corresponding event object


public void intervalChanged(ConfigurationChangeEvent e)
This method will be called in case the interval between anchor timestamps has been changed. Required changes within the logging framework will be carried out here.

e - The corresponding event object


public void outputChanged(ConfigurationChangeEvent e)
This method will be called in case output destinations have been added, changed or removed. Required changes within the logging framework will be carried out here.

e - The corresponding event object


public void bufferChanged(ConfigurationChangeEvent e)
This method will be called in case a buffer definition has been added, changed or removed. Required changes within the logging framework will be carried out here.

e - The corresponding event object


public void logLevelChanged(ConfigurationChangeEvent e)
This method will be called in case a log level has been added, changed or removed. Required changes within the logging framework will be carried out here.

e - The corresponding event object

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