Interface Logger

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AgentLoggerContextImpl, LoggerImpl, LoggerProxy

public interface Logger

This is the main logging interface.

It defines a set of convenience methods for logging at a specific LogLevel, for method entries and exits (either regular or by throwing an exception), as well as for caught exceptions.

Furthermore, usage at a specific log level may be checked at runtime by means of isEnabled(LogLevel).

Instances are available via LoggerFactory.getLogger() and LoggerFactory.getLogger(String).

"$Id: 1913 2007-08-08 02:41:53Z jpeters $"
Matthias Pressfreund

Method Summary
 void caught(LogLevel level, String msg, Throwable thrown)
          This method implicitely calls log(de.fhg.igd.logging.LogLevel, java.lang.String) first, then caught(Throwable).
 void caught(Throwable thrown)
          This method is supposed to be used for logging the catching of a Throwable (and subclasses).
 void debug(String msg)
          Creates a log entry on LogLevel.DEBUG.
 void entering()
          This method is supposed to be used for logging the entry of a parameterless method.
 void entering(Object[] params)
          This method is supposed to be used for logging the entry of a method with a set of parameters.
 void error(String msg)
          Creates a log entry on LogLevel.ERROR.
 void exiting()
          This method is supposed to be used for logging the exit of a method without return value.
 void exiting(Object result)
          This method is supposed to be used for logging the exit of a method with a return value.
 void fatal(String msg)
          Creates a log entry on LogLevel.FATAL.
 void info(String msg)
          Creates a log entry on LogLevel.INFO.
 boolean isEnabled(LogLevel level)
          Find out if logging would be performed at the given log level.
 void log(LogLevel level, String msg)
          This is the generic log method to be used for creating a log entry on the specified log level.
 void severe(String msg)
          Creates a log entry on LogLevel.SEVERE.
 void throwing(LogLevel level, String msg, Throwable thrown)
          This method implicitely calls log(de.fhg.igd.logging.LogLevel, java.lang.String) first, then throwing(Throwable).
 void throwing(Throwable thrown)
          This method is supposed to be used for logging the creation and method exit by a Throwable (and subclasses).
 void trace(String msg)
          Creates a log entry on LogLevel.TRACE.
 void warning(String msg)
          Creates a log entry on LogLevel.WARNING.

Method Detail


public void log(LogLevel level,
                String msg)
This is the generic log method to be used for creating a log entry on the specified log level.

level - The log level to be used for creating the log entry
msg - The message to be written into the log entry


public void trace(String msg)
Creates a log entry on LogLevel.TRACE.

msg - The message to be written into the log entry


public void debug(String msg)
Creates a log entry on LogLevel.DEBUG.

msg - The message to be written into the log entry


public void info(String msg)
Creates a log entry on LogLevel.INFO.

msg - The message to be written into the log entry


public void warning(String msg)
Creates a log entry on LogLevel.WARNING.

msg - The message to be written into the log entry


public void error(String msg)
Creates a log entry on LogLevel.ERROR.

msg - The message to be written into the log entry


public void severe(String msg)
Creates a log entry on LogLevel.SEVERE.

msg - The message to be written into the log entry


public void fatal(String msg)
Creates a log entry on LogLevel.FATAL.

msg - The message to be written into the log entry


public void entering()
This method is supposed to be used for logging the entry of a parameterless method. Hereby, the used log level will be LogLevel.TRACE.


public void entering(Object[] params)
This method is supposed to be used for logging the entry of a method with a set of parameters. Hereby, the used log level will be LogLevel.TRACE.

params - The method parameters, for printing the toString() method will be called on each object


public void exiting()
This method is supposed to be used for logging the exit of a method without return value. Hereby, the used log level will be LogLevel.TRACE.


public void exiting(Object result)
This method is supposed to be used for logging the exit of a method with a return value. Hereby, the used log level will be LogLevel.TRACE.

result - The return value, for printing the toString() method will be called


public void throwing(Throwable thrown)
This method is supposed to be used for logging the creation and method exit by a Throwable (and subclasses). Hereby, the used log level will be LogLevel.TRACE.

thrown - The exception that will be thrown


public void throwing(LogLevel level,
                     String msg,
                     Throwable thrown)
This method implicitely calls log(de.fhg.igd.logging.LogLevel, java.lang.String) first, then throwing(Throwable).

level - The log level to be used for creating the log entry
msg - The message to be written into the log entry
thrown - The exception that will be thrown


public void caught(Throwable thrown)
This method is supposed to be used for logging the catching of a Throwable (and subclasses). Hereby, the used log level will be LogLevel.TRACE.

thrown - The exception that has been caught


public void caught(LogLevel level,
                   String msg,
                   Throwable thrown)
This method implicitely calls log(de.fhg.igd.logging.LogLevel, java.lang.String) first, then caught(Throwable).

level - The log level to be used for creating the log entry
msg - The message to be written into the log entry
thrown - The exception that has been caught


public boolean isEnabled(LogLevel level)
Find out if logging would be performed at the given log level.

This method might be useful in cases of costly log message creation which should be performed only if really needed.

level - The log level to check for
whether or not logging would be performed at the given log level

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