Interface Wrapper

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Wrapper

This interface is needed by LoggerImpl objects to be able to perform logging in an abstract way, independent of the currently used underlying logging mechanism.

"$Id: 1913 2007-08-08 02:41:53Z jpeters $"
Matthias Pressfreund

Method Summary
 void dismiss()
          This method will be called in case the corresponding instance of the implementing class will not be used anymore.
 LogLevel getLogLevel()
          Get the log level of the wrapped logger.
 String getName()
          Get the name of the wrapped logger, which automatically is also the name of the corresponding LoggerImpl object.
 void postLogEntry(LogLevel level, String msg)
          Post a log entry into the underlying logging mechanism by means of the wrapped logger.

Method Detail


public void postLogEntry(LogLevel level,
                         String msg)
Post a log entry into the underlying logging mechanism by means of the wrapped logger.

level - The log level to be used
msg - The message to be posted by the wrapped logger


public String getName()
Get the name of the wrapped logger, which automatically is also the name of the corresponding LoggerImpl object.

The name of the wrapped logger


public LogLevel getLogLevel()
Get the log level of the wrapped logger.

The log level of the wrapped logger


public void dismiss()
This method will be called in case the corresponding instance of the implementing class will not be used anymore. If all deployed instances have been dismissed, the wrapped logger object may be in turn released as well (if supported by the underlying system).

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