Package de.fhg.igd.semoa.envision

Class Summary
AbstractPlugin An AbstractPlugin is used as a sort of "plugin" for Envision.
ClassTree A JTree that displays the hierachical structure of a specified Class.
EnvironmentTree Displays all objects within a JTree that are published in the Environment.
EnvironmentTreeNode This is a customized tree node, that can be set to be a real published object or just a path object of the semoa environment.
Envision Envision is a graphical interface to the SeMoA environment.
EnvisionPermission Defines a permission class to control access to Envision.
ObjectPanel A JPanel that displays the type and the value of an Object.
ObjectPlugin A generic plugin to explore java.lang.Object instances.
PluginsMenuItem This is a customized JMenuItem to display an AbstractPlugin.
PublishDialog A modal dialog to query all parameters required to invoke the Publish command.

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