Interface FarSight

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public interface FarSight
extends Service

Implemented by automatic host detection services that work outside the boundaries of a LAN.

$id: $
Jan Haevecker

Field Summary
static String WHATIS
          The WhatIs entry key for this service.
Method Summary
 boolean coordinator()
          Returns whether this service is the current FarSight coordinator
 void discovered(Map newHosts)
          Notifies FarSight that new hosts have been discovered.
 void discovered(URL hostURL)
          Notifies FarSight that a new host has been discovered.
 Map getAllContacts()
          Creates a collection of contacts from FarSight and Vicinity.
 Map getFarContacts()
          Creates a copy of the known FarSight contacts.
 Map getVicinityContacts()
          A convenience interface to Vicinity.getContactTable().
Methods inherited from interface de.fhg.igd.semoa.server.Service
author, dependencies, docs, info, majorVersion, minorVersion

Field Detail


public static final String WHATIS
The WhatIs entry key for this service.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public Map getAllContacts()
Creates a collection of contacts from FarSight and Vicinity.

A Map of hosts entries. The keys are string representations of X.501 Distinguished names as of RFC1779. The values are URL instances pointing to the management port of that host. Entry values can be null (e.g. if the corresponding host does not broadcast a contact URL).


public Map getFarContacts()
Creates a copy of the known FarSight contacts.

A Map of hosts entries. The keys are string representations of X.501 Distinguished names as of RFC1779. The values are URL instances pointing to the ship port of that host.


public Map getVicinityContacts()
A convenience interface to Vicinity.getContactTable().


public void discovered(Map newHosts)
Notifies FarSight that new hosts have been discovered.

newHosts - Should contain the new SeMoA hosts. The values are URL instances pointing to the ship port of that host. The map interface is just a Vicinity legacy, thus the keys can be ignored.


public void discovered(URL hostURL)
Notifies FarSight that a new host has been discovered.

hostURL - Must point to the ship port of that SeMoA host.


public boolean coordinator()
Returns whether this service is the current FarSight coordinator

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