Package de.fhg.igd.ui

Interface Summary
DragDelegate Defines the interface for delegate objects which provide selections e.g.
DropDelegate Defines methods for passing dropped data from a DropZone to a delegate.

Class Summary
AnimatedIcon This icon uses animations to communicate its states.
AudibleButton This button allows to set a sound which is played whenever the button is clicked.
DnDTest Shows a simple dialog that accepts dropped HostEntry instances, and which is beautified with a fancy image.
DragableLabel A label with drag and drop support.
DragableList A list with drag and drop support.
DropZone A generic drop zone for object selections.
ImageFrame Simple class for displaying an image.
Images This class provides general support methods for image loading.
Multimedia This class provides easy access to animations and sounds.
ObjectSelection Represents a serialised object that is transfered e.g.
ProgressIterator This iterator wraps around an iterator and illustrates the progress by means of a ProgressBar.
SplashScreen Provides an introduction window as "splash screen" Derived from a regular JWindow (Java-Swing), this class provides an image window surrounded by a thin border, which can be used to display introducing information like program logo or copyright.
Warning Shows a simple warning dialog, beautified with a fancy image.

Exception Summary
ImageException This exception signals a problem during loading or grabbing pixels of some image.

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