Interface PostcardService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PostcardService

This service provides an image of the local place to the agent. The image is like a postcard which can be collected by a roundtrip agent. Remember that this agent

Field Summary
static String PUBLISH_KEY
          The path in the environment where the TouristAgent expects this service to be published.
Method Summary
 Postcard getPostcard()
          Retrieves an image which is stamped with the agent's name, the server URL, the owners name and a time stamp.
 Postcard getPostcard(BufferedImage image)
          Stamps the given image as described at getPostcard() getPostcard.

Field Detail


public static final String PUBLISH_KEY
The path in the environment where the TouristAgent expects this service to be published.

Method Detail


public Postcard getPostcard()
Retrieves an image which is stamped with the agent's name, the server URL, the owners name and a time stamp. The information will be retrieved from the agent itself. The image should be a picture of a local point of interest or a photo of the server machine.

the stamped image


public Postcard getPostcard(BufferedImage image)
Stamps the given image as described at getPostcard() getPostcard.

the stamped image

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