Interface DelegationService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DelegationService

Field Summary
static String WHATIS
          The WhatIs entry key for this service.
Method Summary
 String delegate(String wsurl, String method, Object[] params)
          This method generates a token and stores it in the agent's properties as well as in the syncmap_.
 void response(String answ, String token)
          Checks if the token is a key in the syncmap.

Field Detail


public static final String WHATIS
The WhatIs entry key for this service.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public String delegate(String wsurl,
                       String method,
                       Object[] params)
This method generates a token and stores it in the agent's properties as well as in the syncmap_. It launches the agent named in AGENT_. Webservice and agent are synchronized via the token.

wsurl - the url of the webservice to call
method - method to invoke at the webservice
answ the answer given by the AGENT_


public void response(String answ,
                     String token)
Checks if the token is a key in the syncmap. The method then stores the answer under this key and notifies the waiting webservice.

answ - answer from the agent2
token - token for the synchronization of delegation service and agent2

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