Class Agent

  extended byjade.core.Agent
All Implemented Interfaces:
Runnable, Serializable, jade.util.leap.Serializable, jade.core.TimerListener

public class Agent
extends Object
implements Runnable, jade.util.leap.Serializable, jade.core.TimerListener

The Agent class is the common superclass for user defined software agents. It provides methods to perform basic agent tasks, such as:

Application programmers must write their own agents as Agent subclasses, adding specific behaviours as needed and exploiting Agent class capabilities.

$Date: 2006-04-13 16:57:28 +0200 (Thu, 13 Apr 2006) $ $Revision: 1.1 $
Giovanni Rimassa - Universita' di Parma
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
private  class Agent.AgentDeathError
private static class Agent.AgentInMotionError
private  class Agent.AssociationTB
private static class Agent.CondVar
private static class Agent.TBPair
Field Summary
static int AP_ACTIVE
          Represents the active agent state.
static int AP_COPY
          Represents the copy agent state.
static int AP_DELETED
          Represents the deleted agent state.
(package private) static int AP_FROZEN
          Represents the frozen agent state.
(package private) static int AP_GONE
          Represents the gone agent state.
static int AP_IDLE
          Represents the idle agent state.
static int AP_INITIATED
          Represents the initiated agent state.
static int AP_MAX
          Out of band value for Agent Platform Life Cycle states.
static int AP_MIN
          Out of band value for Agent Platform Life Cycle states.
(package private) static int AP_RELOADING
          Represents the loading agent state.
(package private) static int AP_SAVING
          Represents the saving agent state.
static int AP_SUSPENDED
          Represents the suspended agent state.
static int AP_TRANSIT
          Represents the transit agent state.
static int AP_WAITING
          Represents the waiting agent state.
private  Object[] arguments
protected  jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour currentBehaviour
          The Behaviour that is currently executing.
protected  jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage currentMessage
          Last message received.
static int D_ACTIVE
          Represents the active agent state.
static int D_MAX
          Out of band value for Domain Life Cycle states.
static int D_MIN
          Out of band value for Domain Life Cycle states.
static int D_RETIRED
          Represents the retired agent state.
static int D_SUSPENDED
          Represents the suspended agent state.
static int D_UNKNOWN
          Represents the unknown agent state.
private  boolean generateBehaviourEvents
          When set to false (default) all behaviour-related events (such as ADDED_BEHAVIOUR or CHANGED_BEHAVIOUR_STATE) are not generated in order to improve performances.
private  Hashtable helpersTable
private  int messageCounter
private  jade.core.MessageQueue msgQueue
private  int msgQueueMaxSize
private  jade.core.AID myAID
private  int myAPState
private  jade.core.ContainerID myBufferContainer
private  int myBufferedState
private  jade.wrapper.AgentContainer myContainer
          Declared transient because the container changes in case of agent migration.
private  jade.core.Location myDestination
private  String myHap
private  String myName
private  String myNewName
private  String myRepository
private  jade.core.Scheduler myScheduler
private  Thread myThread
private  AgentToolkit myToolkit
private  jade.util.leap.Map o2aLocks
private  jade.util.leap.List o2aQueue
private  int o2aQueueSize
private  Agent.AssociationTB pendingTimers
private  Long persistentID
private  Set persistentPendingTimers
private static long serialVersionUID
private  Object stateLock
private  Object suspendLock
private  boolean terminating
          This flag is used to distinguish the normal AP_ACTIVE state from the particular case in which the agent state is set to AP_ACTIVE during agent termination to allow it to deregister with the AMS.
private  jade.content.ContentManager theContentManager
private  TimerDispatcher theDispatcher
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
(package private) Agent(jade.core.AID id)
          Constructor to be used by special "agents" that will never powerUp.
Method Summary
private  void activateAllBehaviours()
 void addBehaviour(jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour b)
          This method adds a new behaviour to the agent.
(package private)  void addPlatformAddress(String address)
          This method adds a new platform address to the AID of this Agent.
protected  void afterClone()
          Actions to perform after cloning.
protected  void afterLoad()
          Actions to perform after loading an agent.
protected  void afterMove()
          Actions to perform after moving.
protected  void afterReload()
          Actions to perform after reloading.
protected  void afterThaw()
          Actions to perform after thawing.
protected  void beforeClone()
          This empty placeholder method shall be overridden by user defined agents to execute some actions before copying an agent to another agent container.
protected  void beforeFreeze()
          Actions to perform before freezing.
protected  void beforeMove()
          This empty placeholder shall be overridden by user defined agents to execute some actions before the original agent instance on the source container is stopped (e.g.
protected  void beforeReload()
          Actions to perform before reloading.
protected  void beforeSave()
          Actions to perform before saving an agent.
 jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage blockingReceive()
          Receives an ACL message from the agent message queue.
 jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage blockingReceive(long millis)
          Receives an ACL message from the agent message queue, waiting at most a specified amount of time.
 jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage blockingReceive(jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate pattern)
          Receives an ACL message matching a given message template.
 jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage blockingReceive(jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate pattern, long millis)
          Receives an ACL message matching a given message template, waiting at most a specified time.
private  void changeStateTo(int state)
private  void destroy()
 void doActivate()
          Make a state transition from suspended to active or waiting (whichever state the agent was in when doSuspend() was called) within Agent Platform Life Cycle.
 void doClone(jade.core.Location destination, String newName)
          Make a state transition from active to copy within Agent Platform Life Cycle.
 void doDelete()
          Make a state transition from active, suspended or waiting to deleted state within Agent Platform Life Cycle, thereby destroying the agent.
(package private)  void doExecute()
          Make a state transition from transit or copy to active within Agent Platform Life Cycle.
(package private)  void doGone()
          Make a state transition from transit to gone state.
 void doMove(jade.core.Location destination)
          Make a state transition from active to transit within Agent Platform Life Cycle.
 void doSuspend()
          Make a state transition from active or waiting to suspended within Agent Platform Life Cycle; the original agent state is saved and will be restored by a doActivate() call.
 void doTimeOut(jade.core.Timer t)
          Restarts the behaviour associated with t.
 void doWait()
          Make a state transition from active to waiting within Agent Platform Life Cycle.
 void doWait(long millis)
          Make a state transition from active to waiting within Agent Platform Life Cycle.
 void doWake()
          Make a state transition from waiting to active within Agent Platform Life Cycle.
 jade.core.AgentState getAgentState()
 jade.core.AID getAID()
          Method to query the private Agent ID.
 jade.core.AID getAMS()
          Get the Agent ID for the platform AMS.
protected  Object[] getArguments()
          Get the array of arguments passed to this agent.
private  Set getBehaviours()
private  int getBufferedState()
 jade.wrapper.AgentContainer getContainerController()
          Return a controller for this agents container.
 jade.content.ContentManager getContentManager()
          Retrieves the agent's content manager
 int getCurQueueSize()
          This method retrieves the current lenght of the message queue of this agent.
 jade.core.AID getDefaultDF()
          Get the Agent ID for the platform default DF.
private  boolean getGenerateBehaviourEvents()
 String getHap()
          Method to query the Home Agent Platform.
 jade.core.ServiceHelper getHelper(String serviceName)
          Retrieves the agent's service helper
 String getLocalName()
          Method to query the agent local name.
(package private)  jade.core.MessageQueue getMessageQueue()
          This is only called by the RealNotificationManager to provide the Introspector agent with a snapshot of the messages currently pending in the queue and by the RealMobilityManager to transfer messages in the queue
 String getName()
          Method to query the agent complete name (GUID).
 Object getO2AObject()
          This method picks an object (if present) from the internal object-to-agent communication queue.
private  Set getPendingTimers()
private  Long getPersistentID()
 String getProperty(String key, String aDefault)
          Retrieve a configuration property set in the Profile of the local container (first) or as a System property.
 int getQueueSize()
          Reads message queue size.
(package private)  jade.core.Scheduler getScheduler()
          This is only called by the RealNotificationManager to provide the Introspector agent with a snapshot of the behaviours currently loaded in the agent
 int getState()
          Read current agent state.
private  boolean getTerminating()
 jade.core.Location here()
          Method to retrieve the location this agent is currently at.
(package private)  void idle()
private  void interruptThread()
          This method is used to interrupt the agent's thread.
(package private)  void join()
          This is used by the agent container to wait for agent termination.
private  void mainLoop()
(package private)  void notifyAddBehaviour(jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour b)
 void notifyChangeBehaviourState(jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour b, String from, String to)
private  void notifyChangedAgentState(int oldState, int newState)
private  void notifyCopy()
private  void notifyDestruction()
private  void notifyFreeze()
private  void notifyMove()
private  void notifyPosted(jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage msg)
private  void notifyReceived(jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage msg)
private  void notifyReload()
(package private)  void notifyRemoveBehaviour(jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour b)
 void notifyRestarted(jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour b)
          Notifies this agent that one of its behaviours has been restarted for some reason.
private  void notifySave()
private  void notifySend(jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage msg)
private  void notifyStarted()
 void postMessage(jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage msg)
          Put a received message into the agent message queue.
 void powerUp(jade.core.AID id, Thread t)
 void putBack(jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage msg)
          Puts a received ACL message back into the message queue.
 void putO2AObject(Object o, boolean blocking)
          This method should not be used by application code.
private  void readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
 jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage receive()
          Receives an ACL message from the agent message queue.
 jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage receive(jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate pattern)
          Receives an ACL message matching a given template.
 void removeBehaviour(jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour b)
          This method removes a given behaviour from the agent.
(package private)  void removePlatformAddress(String address)
          This method removes an old platform address from the AID of this Agent.
 void requestFreeze(String repository, jade.core.ContainerID bufferContainer)
 void requestReload(String repository)
 void requestSave(String repository)
(package private)  void resetToolkit()
 void restartLater(jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour b, long millis)
          Schedules a restart for a behaviour, after a certain amount of time has passed.
 void restore(InputStream s)
          This method reads a previously saved agent, replacing the current state of this agent with the one previously saved.
 void run()
          This method is the main body of every agent.
 void send(jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage msg)
          Send an ACL message to another agent.
(package private)  void setAID(jade.core.AID id)
 void setArguments(Object[] args)
          Called by AgentContainerImpl in order to pass arguments to a just created Agent.
private  void setBehaviours(Set behaviours)
private  void setBufferedState(int bs)
 void setEnabledO2ACommunication(boolean enabled, int queueSize)
          This method declares this agent attitude towards object-to-agent communication, that is, whether the agent accepts to communicate with other non-JADE components living within the same JVM.
 void setGenerateBehaviourEvents(boolean b)
private  void setMessageQueue(jade.core.MessageQueue mq)
private  void setPendingTimers(Set timers)
private  void setPersistentID(Long l)
 void setQueueSize(int newSize)
          Set message queue size.
private  void setState(int state)
private  void setTerminating(boolean b)
 void setToolkit(AgentToolkit at)
protected  void setup()
          This protected method is an empty placeholder for application specific startup code.
protected  void takeDown()
          This protected method is an empty placeholder for application specific cleanup code.
(package private)  void waitOn(Object lock, long millis)
          Since in MIDP Thread.interrupt() does not exist and a simulated interruption is used to "interrupt" the agent's thread, we must check whether the simulated interruption happened just before and after going to sleep.
private  void waitUntilActivate()
 void waitUntilStarted()
          This method blocks until the agent has finished its start-up phase (i.e.
private  void waitUntilWake(long millis)
 void write(OutputStream s)
          Write this agent to an output stream; this method can be used to record a snapshot of the agent state on a file or to send it through a network connection.
private  void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static final long serialVersionUID
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AP_MIN
Out of band value for Agent Platform Life Cycle states.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AP_INITIATED
Represents the initiated agent state.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AP_ACTIVE
Represents the active agent state.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AP_IDLE
Represents the idle agent state.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AP_SUSPENDED
Represents the suspended agent state.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AP_WAITING
Represents the waiting agent state.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AP_DELETED
Represents the deleted agent state.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AP_TRANSIT
Represents the transit agent state.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AP_COPY
Represents the copy agent state.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int AP_GONE
Represents the gone agent state. This is the state the original instance of an agent goes into when a migration transaction successfully commits.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int AP_SAVING
Represents the saving agent state. This is the state an agent goes into when its actual storage within a persistent data repository takes place.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int AP_RELOADING
Represents the loading agent state. This is the state an agent goes into when its current state is about to be replaced with a new one retrieved from a persistent data repository.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int AP_FROZEN
Represents the frozen agent state. This is similar to the suspended state, but the agent is actually removed from its container and kept on a persistent store.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AP_MAX
Out of band value for Agent Platform Life Cycle states.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int D_MIN
Out of band value for Domain Life Cycle states.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int D_ACTIVE
Represents the active agent state.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int D_SUSPENDED
Represents the suspended agent state.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int D_RETIRED
Represents the retired agent state.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int D_UNKNOWN
Represents the unknown agent state.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int D_MAX
Out of band value for Domain Life Cycle states.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private int msgQueueMaxSize


private transient jade.core.MessageQueue msgQueue


private transient jade.util.leap.List o2aQueue


private int o2aQueueSize


private transient jade.util.leap.Map o2aLocks


private transient AgentToolkit myToolkit


private String myName


private jade.core.AID myAID


private String myHap


private transient Object stateLock


private transient Object suspendLock


private transient Thread myThread


private transient TimerDispatcher theDispatcher


private jade.core.Scheduler myScheduler


private transient Agent.AssociationTB pendingTimers


private int messageCounter


protected jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour currentBehaviour
The Behaviour that is currently executing.

See Also:


protected jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage currentMessage
Last message received.

See Also:


private volatile int myAPState


private boolean terminating
This flag is used to distinguish the normal AP_ACTIVE state from the particular case in which the agent state is set to AP_ACTIVE during agent termination to allow it to deregister with the AMS. In this case in fact a call to doDelete(), doMove(), doClone() and doSuspend() should have no effect.


private boolean generateBehaviourEvents
When set to false (default) all behaviour-related events (such as ADDED_BEHAVIOUR or CHANGED_BEHAVIOUR_STATE) are not generated in order to improve performances. These events in facts are very frequent.


private transient jade.core.Location myDestination


private transient String myNewName


private transient String myRepository


private transient jade.core.ContainerID myBufferContainer


private int myBufferedState


private Long persistentID


private transient jade.wrapper.AgentContainer myContainer
Declared transient because the container changes in case of agent migration.


private transient Object[] arguments


private jade.content.ContentManager theContentManager


private transient Hashtable helpersTable


private transient Set persistentPendingTimers
Constructor Detail


public Agent()
Default constructor.


Agent(jade.core.AID id)
Constructor to be used by special "agents" that will never powerUp.

Method Detail


public void restartLater(jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour b,
                         long millis)
Schedules a restart for a behaviour, after a certain amount of time has passed.

b - The behaviour to restart later.
millis - The amount of time to wait before restarting b.
See Also:
Behaviour.block(long millis)


public void doTimeOut(jade.core.Timer t)
Restarts the behaviour associated with t. This method runs within the time-critical Timer Dispatcher thread and is not intended to be called by users. It is defined public only because is part of the TimerListener interface.

Specified by:
doTimeOut in interface jade.core.TimerListener


public void notifyRestarted(jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour b)
Notifies this agent that one of its behaviours has been restarted for some reason. This method clears any timer associated with behaviour object b, and it is unneeded by application level code. To explicitly schedule behaviours, use block() and restart() methods.

b - The behaviour object which was restarted.
See Also:


public final jade.core.AID getAMS()
Get the Agent ID for the platform AMS.

An AID object, that can be used to contact the AMS of this platform.


public final jade.core.AID getDefaultDF()
Get the Agent ID for the platform default DF.

An AID object, that can be used to contact the default DF of this platform.


private void setTerminating(boolean b)


private boolean getTerminating()


private Long getPersistentID()


private void setPersistentID(Long l)


public final jade.wrapper.AgentContainer getContainerController()
Return a controller for this agents container.
NOT available in MIDP

jade.wrapper.AgentContainer The proxy container for this agent.


public final void setArguments(Object[] args)
Called by AgentContainerImpl in order to pass arguments to a just created Agent.

Usually, programmers do not need to call this method in their code.

See Also:
how to get the arguments passed to an agent


protected Object[] getArguments()
Get the array of arguments passed to this agent.

Take care that the arguments are transient and they do not migrate with the agent neither are cloned with the agent!

the array of arguments passed to this agent.
See Also:
How to use arguments or properties to configure your agent.


public final String getLocalName()
Method to query the agent local name.

A String containing the local agent name (e.g. peter).


public final String getName()
Method to query the agent complete name (GUID).

A String containing the complete agent name (e.g. peter@fipa.org:50).


public final jade.core.AID getAID()
Method to query the private Agent ID. Note that this Agent ID is different from the one that is registered with the platform AMS.

An Agent ID object, containing the complete agent GUID, addresses and resolvers.


void setAID(jade.core.AID id)


void addPlatformAddress(String address)
This method adds a new platform address to the AID of this Agent. It is called by the container when a new MTP is activated in the platform (in the local container - installMTP() - or in a remote container - updateRoutingTable()) to keep the Agent AID updated.


void removePlatformAddress(String address)
This method removes an old platform address from the AID of this Agent. It is called by the container when a new MTP is deactivated in the platform (in the local container - uninstallMTP() - or in a remote container - updateRoutingTable()) to keep the Agent AID updated.


public final String getHap()
Method to query the Home Agent Platform. This is the name of the platform where the agent has been created, therefore it will never change during the entire lifetime of the agent. In JADE the name of an agent by default is composed by the concatenation (using '@') of the agent local name and the Home Agent Platform name

A String containing the name of the home agent platform (e.g. myComputerName:1099/JADE).


public jade.core.Location here()
Method to retrieve the location this agent is currently at.

A Location object, describing the location where this agent is currently running.


void join()
This is used by the agent container to wait for agent termination. We have alreader called doDelete on the thread which would have issued an interrupt on it. However, it still may decide not to exit. So we will wait no longer than 5 seconds for it to exit and we do not care of this zombie agent. FIXME: we must further isolate container and agents, for instance by using custom class loader and dynamic proxies and JDK 1.3. FIXME: the timeout value should be got by Profile


public void setQueueSize(int newSize)
                  throws IllegalArgumentException
Set message queue size. This method allows to change the number of ACL messages that can be buffered before being actually read by the agent or discarded.

newSize - A non negative integer value to set message queue size to. Passing 0 means unlimited message queue. When the number of buffered messages exceeds this value, older messages are discarded according to a FIFO replacement policy.
IllegalArgumentException - If newSize is negative.
See Also:


public int getCurQueueSize()
This method retrieves the current lenght of the message queue of this agent.

The number of messages that are currently stored into the message queue.


public int getQueueSize()
Reads message queue size. A zero value means that the message queue is unbounded (its size is limited only by amount of available memory).

The actual size of the message queue (i.e. the max number of messages that can be stored into the queue)
See Also:
setQueueSize(int newSize), getCurQueueSize()


private void changeStateTo(int state)


public int getState()
Read current agent state. This method can be used to query an agent for its state from the outside.

the Agent Platform Life Cycle state this agent is currently in.


private void setState(int state)


public jade.core.AgentState getAgentState()


jade.core.Scheduler getScheduler()
This is only called by the RealNotificationManager to provide the Introspector agent with a snapshot of the behaviours currently loaded in the agent


jade.core.MessageQueue getMessageQueue()
This is only called by the RealNotificationManager to provide the Introspector agent with a snapshot of the messages currently pending in the queue and by the RealMobilityManager to transfer messages in the queue


private void setMessageQueue(jade.core.MessageQueue mq)


public void doMove(jade.core.Location destination)
Make a state transition from active to transit within Agent Platform Life Cycle. This method is intended to support agent mobility and is called either by the Agent Platform or by the agent itself to start a migration process.
NOT available in MIDP

destination - The Location to migrate to.


public void doClone(jade.core.Location destination,
                    String newName)
Make a state transition from active to copy within Agent Platform Life Cycle. This method is intended to support agent mobility and is called either by the Agent Platform or by the agent itself to start a clonation process.
NOT available in MIDP

destination - The Location where the copy agent will start.
newName - The name that will be given to the copy agent.


public void requestSave(String repository)


public void requestReload(String repository)


public void requestFreeze(String repository,
                          jade.core.ContainerID bufferContainer)


void doExecute()
Make a state transition from transit or copy to active within Agent Platform Life Cycle. This method is intended to support agent mobility and is called by the destination Agent Platform when a migration process completes and the mobile agent is about to be restarted on its new location.


void doGone()
Make a state transition from transit to gone state. This state is only used to label the original copy of a mobile agent which migrated somewhere.


public void doSuspend()
Make a state transition from active or waiting to suspended within Agent Platform Life Cycle; the original agent state is saved and will be restored by a doActivate() call. This method can be called from the Agent Platform or from the agent iself and stops all agent activities. Incoming messages for a suspended agent are buffered by the Agent Platform and are delivered as soon as the agent resumes. Calling doSuspend() on a suspended agent has no effect.

See Also:


public void doActivate()
Make a state transition from suspended to active or waiting (whichever state the agent was in when doSuspend() was called) within Agent Platform Life Cycle. This method is called from the Agent Platform and resumes agent execution. Calling doActivate() when the agent is not suspended has no effect.

See Also:


public void doWait()
Make a state transition from active to waiting within Agent Platform Life Cycle. This method can be called by the Agent Platform or by the agent itself and causes the agent to block, stopping all its activities until some event happens. A waiting agent wakes up as soon as a message arrives or when doWake() is called. Calling doWait() on a suspended or waiting agent has no effect.

See Also:


public void doWait(long millis)
Make a state transition from active to waiting within Agent Platform Life Cycle. This method adds a timeout to the other doWait() version.

millis - The timeout value, in milliseconds.
See Also:


public void doWake()
Make a state transition from waiting to active within Agent Platform Life Cycle. This method is called from Agent Platform and resumes agent execution. Calling doWake() when an agent is not waiting has no effect.

See Also:


public void doDelete()
Make a state transition from active, suspended or waiting to deleted state within Agent Platform Life Cycle, thereby destroying the agent. This method can be called either from the Agent Platform or from the agent itself. Calling doDelete() on an already deleted agent has no effect.


void idle()
    throws InterruptedException


public void write(OutputStream s)
           throws IOException
Write this agent to an output stream; this method can be used to record a snapshot of the agent state on a file or to send it through a network connection. Of course, the whole agent must be serializable in order to be written successfully.
NOT available in MIDP

s - The stream this agent will be sent to. The stream is not closed on exit.
IOException - Thrown if some I/O error occurs during writing.
See Also:
jade.core.Agent#read(InputStream s)


public void restore(InputStream s)
             throws IOException
This method reads a previously saved agent, replacing the current state of this agent with the one previously saved. The stream must contain the saved state of the same agent that it is trying to restore itself; that is, both the Java object and the agent name must be the same.
NOT available in MIDP

s - The input stream the agent state will be read from.
IOException - Thrown if some I/O error occurs during stream reading. Note: This method is currently not implemented


public void putO2AObject(Object o,
                         boolean blocking)
                  throws InterruptedException
This method should not be used by application code. Use the same-named method of jade.wrapper.Agent instead.
NOT available in MIDP

See Also:
jade.wrapper.Agent#putO2AObject(Object o, boolean blocking)


public Object getO2AObject()
This method picks an object (if present) from the internal object-to-agent communication queue. In order for this method to work, the agent must have declared its will to accept objects from other software components running within its JVM. This can be achieved by calling the jade.core.Agent.setEnabledO2ACommunication() method. If the retrieved object was originally inserted by an external component using a blocking call, that call will return during the execution of this method.
NOT available in MIDP

the first object in the queue, or null if the queue is empty.
See Also:
jade.wrapper.Agent#putO2AObject(Object o, boolean blocking), setEnabledO2ACommunication(boolean enabled, int queueSize)


public void setEnabledO2ACommunication(boolean enabled,
                                       int queueSize)
This method declares this agent attitude towards object-to-agent communication, that is, whether the agent accepts to communicate with other non-JADE components living within the same JVM.
NOT available in MIDP

enabled - Tells whether Java objects inserted with putO2AObject() will be accepted.
queueSize - If the object-to-agent communication is enabled, this parameter specifiies the maximum number of Java objects that will be queued. If the passed value is 0, no maximum limit is set up for the queue.
See Also:
jade.wrapper.Agent#putO2AObject(Object o, boolean blocking), getO2AObject()


public final void run()
This method is the main body of every agent. It can handle automatically AMS registration and deregistration and provides startup and cleanup hooks for application programmers to put their specific code into.

Specified by:
run in interface Runnable
See Also:
setup(), takeDown()


protected void setup()
This protected method is an empty placeholder for application specific startup code. Agent developers can override it to provide necessary behaviour. When this method is called the agent has been already registered with the Agent Platform AMS and is able to send and receive messages. However, the agent execution model is still sequential and no behaviour scheduling is active yet. This method can be used for ordinary startup tasks such as DF registration, but is essential to add at least a Behaviour object to the agent, in order for it to be able to do anything.

See Also:
addBehaviour(Behaviour b), Behaviour


protected void takeDown()
This protected method is an empty placeholder for application specific cleanup code. Agent developers can override it to provide necessary behaviour. When this method is called the agent has not deregistered itself with the Agent Platform AMS and is still able to exchange messages with other agents. However, no behaviour scheduling is active anymore and the Agent Platform Life Cycle state is already set to deleted. This method can be used for ordinary cleanup tasks such as DF deregistration, but explicit removal of all agent behaviours is not needed.


protected void beforeMove()
This empty placeholder shall be overridden by user defined agents to execute some actions before the original agent instance on the source container is stopped (e.g. releasing local resources such as a GUI).
IMPORTANT: At this point, it is ensured that the move process is successful and that a moved agent instance has been created on the destination container Therefore setting the value of a class field in this method will have no impact on the moved agent instance. Such parameters must indeed be set before the doMove() method is called.
NOT available in MIDP


protected void afterMove()
Actions to perform after moving. This empty placeholder method can be overridden by user defined agents to execute some actions just after arriving to the destination agent container for a migration.
NOT available in MIDP


protected void beforeClone()
This empty placeholder method shall be overridden by user defined agents to execute some actions before copying an agent to another agent container.
NOT available in MIDP

See Also:
beforeMove(), afterClone()


protected void afterClone()
Actions to perform after cloning. This empty placeholder method can be overridden by user defined agents to execute some actions just after creating an agent copy to the destination agent container.
NOT available in MIDP


protected void beforeSave()
Actions to perform before saving an agent. This empty placeholder method can be overridden by user defined agents to execute some actions just before the current agent is saved to a persistent store.
Not available in J2ME. Requires the Persistence JADE add-on


protected void afterLoad()
Actions to perform after loading an agent. This empty placeholder method can be overridden by user defined agents to execute some actions just after the current agent is loaded from a persistent store.
Not available in J2ME. Requires the Persistence JADE add-on


protected void beforeReload()
Actions to perform before reloading. This empty placeholder method can be overridden by user defined agents to execute some actions just before the agent thread terminates (and before a new thread is started that will execute the newly reloaded agent).


protected void afterReload()
Actions to perform after reloading. This empty placeholder method can be overridden by user defined agents to execute some actions just after a new thread has started executing the newly reloaded agent (and before the thread enters the main agent execution loop.


protected void beforeFreeze()
Actions to perform before freezing. This empty placeholder method can be overridden by user defined agents to execute some actions just before an agent is frozen on a persistent store and its thread terminates.
NOT available in MIDP


protected void afterThaw()
Actions to perform after thawing. This empty placeholder method can be overridden by user defined agents to execute some actions just after a previously frozen agent is thawed and its thread is started on the proper agent container.
NOT available in MIDP


public void powerUp(jade.core.AID id,
                    Thread t)


private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out)
                  throws IOException


private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
                 throws IOException,


private void mainLoop()
               throws InterruptedException,


private void waitUntilWake(long millis)


private void waitUntilActivate()


private void destroy()


public void addBehaviour(jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour b)
This method adds a new behaviour to the agent. This behaviour will be executed concurrently with all the others, using a cooperative round robin scheduling. This method is typically called from an agent setup() to fire off some initial behaviour, but can also be used to spawn new behaviours dynamically.

b - The new behaviour to add to the agent.
See Also:
setup(), Behaviour


public void removeBehaviour(jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour b)
This method removes a given behaviour from the agent. This method is called automatically when a top level behaviour terminates, but can also be called from a behaviour to terminate itself or some other behaviour.

b - The behaviour to remove.
See Also:


public final void send(jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage msg)
Send an ACL message to another agent. This methods sends a message to the agent specified in :receiver message field (more than one agent can be specified as message receiver).

msg - An ACL message object containing the actual message to send.
See Also:


public final jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage receive()
Receives an ACL message from the agent message queue. This method is non-blocking and returns the first message in the queue, if any. Therefore, polling and busy waiting is required to wait for the next message sent using this method.

A new ACL message, or null if no message is present.
See Also:


public final jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage receive(jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate pattern)
Receives an ACL message matching a given template. This method is non-blocking and returns the first matching message in the queue, if any. Therefore, polling and busy waiting is required to wait for a specific kind of message using this method.

pattern - A message template to match received messages against.
A new ACL message matching the given template, or null if no such message is present.
See Also:
ACLMessage, MessageTemplate


public final jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage blockingReceive()
Receives an ACL message from the agent message queue. This method is blocking and suspends the whole agent until a message is available in the queue.

A new ACL message, blocking the agent until one is available.
See Also:
receive(), ACLMessage


public final jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage blockingReceive(long millis)
Receives an ACL message from the agent message queue, waiting at most a specified amount of time.

millis - The maximum amount of time to wait for the message.
A new ACL message, or null if the specified amount of time passes without any message reception.


public final jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage blockingReceive(jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate pattern)
Receives an ACL message matching a given message template. This method is blocking and suspends the whole agent until a message is available in the queue.

pattern - A message template to match received messages against.
A new ACL message matching the given template, blocking until such a message is available.
See Also:
receive(MessageTemplate), ACLMessage, MessageTemplate


public final jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage blockingReceive(jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate pattern,
                                                      long millis)
Receives an ACL message matching a given message template, waiting at most a specified time.

pattern - A message template to match received messages against.
millis - The amount of time to wait for the message, in milliseconds.
A new ACL message matching the given template, or null if no suitable message was received within millis milliseconds.
See Also:


public final void putBack(jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage msg)
Puts a received ACL message back into the message queue. This method can be used from an agent behaviour when it realizes it read a message of interest for some other behaviour. The message is put in front of the message queue, so it will be the first returned by a receive() call.

See Also:


public final void setToolkit(AgentToolkit at)


final void resetToolkit()


public void waitUntilStarted()
This method blocks until the agent has finished its start-up phase (i.e. until just before its setup() method is called. When this method returns, the target agent is registered with the AMS and the JADE platform is aware of it.


private void notifyStarted()


private void notifyDestruction()


private void notifyPosted(jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage msg)


private void notifyReceived(jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage msg)


private void notifySend(jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage msg)


private void notifyMove()
                 throws jade.security.JADESecurityException,


private void notifyCopy()
                 throws jade.security.JADESecurityException,


private void notifySave()
                 throws jade.core.ServiceException,


private void notifyReload()
                   throws jade.core.ServiceException,


private void notifyFreeze()
                   throws jade.core.ServiceException,


void notifyAddBehaviour(jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour b)


void notifyRemoveBehaviour(jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour b)


public void notifyChangeBehaviourState(jade.core.behaviours.Behaviour b,
                                       String from,
                                       String to)


public void setGenerateBehaviourEvents(boolean b)


private boolean getGenerateBehaviourEvents()


private void notifyChangedAgentState(int oldState,
                                     int newState)


private void activateAllBehaviours()


public final void postMessage(jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage msg)
Put a received message into the agent message queue. The message is put at the back end of the queue. This method is called by JADE runtime system when a message arrives, but can also be used by an agent, and is just the same as sending a message to oneself (though slightly faster).

msg - The ACL message to put in the queue.
See Also:
send(ACLMessage msg)


public jade.content.ContentManager getContentManager()
Retrieves the agent's content manager

The content manager.


public jade.core.ServiceHelper getHelper(String serviceName)
                                  throws jade.core.ServiceException
Retrieves the agent's service helper

The service helper.


public String getProperty(String key,
                          String aDefault)
Retrieve a configuration property set in the Profile of the local container (first) or as a System property.

key - the key that maps to the property that has to be retrieved.
aDefault - a default value to be returned if there is no mapping for key


private void interruptThread()
This method is used to interrupt the agent's thread. In J2SE/PJAVA it just calls myThread.interrupt(). In MIDP, where interrupt() is not supported the thread interruption is simulated as described below. The agent thread can be in one of the following four states: 1) Running a behaviour. 2) Sleeping on msgQueue due to a doWait() 3) Sleeping on suspendLock due to a doSuspend() 4) Sleeping on myScheduler due to a schedule() with no active behaviours The idea is: set the 'isInterrupted' flag, then wake up the thread wherever it may be


void waitOn(Object lock,
            long millis)
      throws InterruptedException
Since in MIDP Thread.interrupt() does not exist and a simulated interruption is used to "interrupt" the agent's thread, we must check whether the simulated interruption happened just before and after going to sleep.



private void setBufferedState(int bs)


private int getBufferedState()


private Set getBehaviours()


private void setBehaviours(Set behaviours)


private Set getPendingTimers()


private void setPendingTimers(Set timers)

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