Interface LSPRegister

All Known Implementing Classes:
LSPRegisterEncoded, LSPRegisterEncrypted, LSPRegisterPlain

public interface LSPRegister

Represents the interface for a LSP_RegisterPlain, a LSP_RegisterEncrypted or a LSP_RegisterEncoded structure of the Location Service Protocol.

The implicit name is the unique identifier of an mobile object for instance the hashcode of its static part. The contact address should consist of a URL string that specifies the protocol, address, and port of a management service provided by the server, which is in possession of the specified object. The current cookie is used as authorisation mechanism by the LSServer and LSProxy permitting a LSClient to update or delete an existing entry. The new cookie represents the authorisation code for the next registration.

To distinguish between initialization, update and deletion a special NULL_COOKIE is used as follows:

if (currentCookie == NULL_COOKIE) { Initialize a new entry }

if (newCookie == NULL_COOKIE) { Delete the existing entry }

otherwise update the existing entry

"$Id: 1913 2007-08-08 02:41:53Z jpeters $"
Jan Peters
See Also:
LSPRegisterPlain, LSPRegisterEncrypted, LSPRegisterEncoded

Method Summary
 URL getContactAddress()
          Returns the contact address or an empty URL, if the encoded contact address is not well-formed.
 byte[] getCurrentCookie()
          Returns the current cookie.
 byte[] getImplicitName()
          Returns the implicit name.
 byte[] getNewCookie()
          Returns the new cookie.

Method Detail


public byte[] getImplicitName()
Returns the implicit name.

The implicit name.


public URL getContactAddress()
Returns the contact address or an empty URL, if the encoded contact address is not well-formed.

The contact address.


public byte[] getNewCookie()
Returns the new cookie.

The new cookie.


public byte[] getCurrentCookie()
Returns the current cookie.

The current cookie.

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