Class LSPRegisterEncrypted

  extended byjava.util.AbstractCollection
      extended byjava.util.AbstractList
          extended byjava.util.ArrayList
              extended bycodec.asn1.ASN1AbstractCollection
                  extended bycodec.asn1.ASN1Sequence
                      extended bycodec.pkcs7.EnvelopedData
                          extended byde.fhg.igd.atlas.lsp.LSPRegisterEncrypted
All Implemented Interfaces:
ASN1Collection, ASN1RegisteredType, ASN1Type, Cloneable, Collection, List, LSPRegister, RandomAccess, Serializable

public class LSPRegisterEncrypted
extends EnvelopedData
implements LSPRegister

Represents an LSP_RegisterEncrypted structure of the Location Service Protocol (LSP). Encapsulated in a LSPRequest it is sent to the Location Service Server (LSServer) to initialize, update or delete an entry. If successful, the LSPReply message has the result state ACKNOWLEDGE. This class is normally used by the Location Sevice Client (LSClient) to send an encrypted register messages to initialize a new entry.

The ASN.1 structure of this request is as follows

 LSP_RegisterEncrypted ::= EnvelopedDate

 LSP_RegisterPlain ::= SEQUENCE
   implicitName     ImplicitName,
   contactaddress   ContactAddress,
   newCookie        Cookie,
   currentCookie    Cookie

 ImplicitName   ::= OCTET STRING
 ContactAddress ::= OCTET STRING
 Cookie         ::= OCTET STRING
The implicit name is the unique identifier of an mobile object for instance the hashcode of its static part. The contact address should consist of a URL string that specifies the protocol, address, and port of a management service provided by the server, which is in possession of the specified object. The current cookie is used as authorisation mechanism by the LS-Server and LS-Proxy permitting a LSClient to update or delete an existing entry. The new cookie represents the authorisation code for the next registration.

To distinguish between initialization, update and deletion a special NULL_COOKIE is used as follows:

if (currentCookie == NULL_COOKIE) { Initialize a new entry }

if (newCookie == NULL_COOKIE) { Delete the existing entry }

otherwise update the existing entry

"$Id: 1913 2007-08-08 02:41:53Z jpeters $"
Jan Peters
See Also:
LSPRegisterPlain, LSPRequest, LSPReply, Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class java.util.AbstractList
Field Summary
protected  LSPRegisterPlain registerPlain_
          The plain register request as LSP_RegisterPlain
Fields inherited from class codec.pkcs7.EnvelopedData
BUFFER_SIZE, content_, info_, recipients_, version_
Fields inherited from class codec.asn1.ASN1AbstractCollection
Fields inherited from class java.util.ArrayList
Fields inherited from class java.util.AbstractList
Constructor Summary
          Creates an instance ready for decoding.
LSPRegisterEncrypted(byte[] implicitName, URL contactAddress, byte[] newCookie, byte[] currentCookie, SecretKey bek, String bea, AlgorithmParameters params, X509Certificate recipient)
          Creates an instance with the given parameters implicit name, contact address, new cookie and current cookie.
LSPRegisterEncrypted(LSPRegisterPlain registerPlain, SecretKey bek, String bea, AlgorithmParameters params, X509Certificate recipient)
          Creates an instance with the parameters of the given LSPRegisterPlain request.
Method Summary
static LSPRegisterEncrypted createRequest(byte[] code)
          Creates a new request from the given encoded request.
 URL getContactAddress()
          Returns the contact address, if available in plaintext, an empty URL, if the encoded contact address is not well-formed, null otherwise.
 byte[] getCurrentCookie()
          Returns the current cookie, if available in plaintext, null otherwise.
 byte[] getEncoded()
          Returns the DER encoded encrypted request.
 byte[] getImplicitName()
          Returns the implicit name, if available in plaintext, null otherwise.
 byte[] getNewCookie()
          Returns the new cookie, if available in plaintext, null otherwise.
 LSPRegisterPlain getRegisterPlain()
          Returns the parameters of this request as LSPRegisterPlain structure, if available in plaintext, null otherwise.
 void runDecryption(X509Certificate cert, PrivateKey key)
          Decrypts a received request which has been decoded successfully by createRequest.
protected  void runEncryption()
          Encrypts the given register request.
 String toString()
          Returns the string representation of this request as LSPPlainRegister structure, if available in plaintext, an errormessage, otherwise.
Methods inherited from class codec.pkcs7.EnvelopedData
addRecipient, decryptBulkData, encryptBulkData, getContentType, getData, getOID, getRecipientInfo, getRecipientInfos, getSecretKey, hasRecipient, init, isReady, setData
Methods inherited from class codec.asn1.ASN1Sequence
Methods inherited from class codec.asn1.ASN1AbstractCollection
checkConstraints, decode, encode, getCollection, getConstraint, getTagClass, getValue, isExplicit, isOptional, isType, setConstraint, setExplicit, setOptional
Methods inherited from class java.util.ArrayList
add, add, addAll, addAll, clear, clone, contains, ensureCapacity, get, indexOf, isEmpty, lastIndexOf, remove, removeRange, set, size, toArray, toArray, trimToSize
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractList
equals, hashCode, iterator, listIterator, listIterator, subList
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractCollection
containsAll, remove, removeAll, retainAll
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface codec.asn1.ASN1Type
checkConstraints, decode, encode, getConstraint, getTag, getTagClass, getValue, isExplicit, isOptional, isType, setConstraint, setExplicit, setOptional
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Collection
add, addAll, clear, contains, containsAll, equals, hashCode, isEmpty, iterator, remove, removeAll, retainAll, size, toArray, toArray
Methods inherited from interface java.util.List
containsAll, equals, hashCode, iterator, listIterator, listIterator, remove, removeAll, retainAll, subList

Field Detail


protected LSPRegisterPlain registerPlain_
The plain register request as LSP_RegisterPlain

Constructor Detail


public LSPRegisterEncrypted()
Creates an instance ready for decoding.


public LSPRegisterEncrypted(byte[] implicitName,
                            URL contactAddress,
                            byte[] newCookie,
                            byte[] currentCookie,
                            SecretKey bek,
                            String bea,
                            AlgorithmParameters params,
                            X509Certificate recipient)
                     throws GeneralSecurityException,
Creates an instance with the given parameters implicit name, contact address, new cookie and current cookie. The class is initialized for encryption with the specified secret key, encryption algorithm, and algoritm parameters. The recipient specifies the receiver, who will be able to decrypt the message. The request is still plaintext. To encrypt call runEncryption.

implicitName - The implicit name.
contactAddress - The contact address.
newCookie - The new cookie.
currentCookie - The current cookie
bek - The secret key to use for bulk encryption.
bea - The name of the bulk encryption algorithm.
params - The algorithm parameters of the bulk encryption algorithm.
recipient - The certificate of the recipient.
GeneralSecurityException - if some cipher operation fails. The reason can be determined from the actual subclass that is thrown.
BadNameException - if the issuer name in the certificate cannot be parsed.


public LSPRegisterEncrypted(LSPRegisterPlain registerPlain,
                            SecretKey bek,
                            String bea,
                            AlgorithmParameters params,
                            X509Certificate recipient)
                     throws GeneralSecurityException,
Creates an instance with the parameters of the given LSPRegisterPlain request. The class is initialized for encryption with the specified secret key, encryption algorithm, and algoritm parameters. The recipient specifies the receiver, who will be able to decrypt the message. The request is still plaintext. To encrypt call runEncryption.

registerPlain - The LSPRegisterPlain structure.
bek - The secret key to use for bulk encryption.
bea - The name of the bulk encryption algorithm.
params - The algorithm parameters of the bulk encryption algorithm.
recipient - The certificate of the recipient.
GeneralSecurityException - if some cipher operation fails. The reason can bedetermined from the actual subclass that is thrown.
BadNameException - if the issuer name in the certificate cannot be parsed.
Method Detail


public static LSPRegisterEncrypted createRequest(byte[] code)
                                          throws CorruptedCodeException,
Creates a new request from the given encoded request. The register request is still encrypted. To decrypt call runDecryption

code - The encoded request.
The decoded request.
CorruptedCodeException - if the code is bad.
IllegalStateException - if an error occurs while decoding with DERDecoder (RuntimeException).
NullPointerException - if code is null (RuntimeException).


protected void runEncryption()
                      throws GeneralSecurityException
Encrypts the given register request. The plain request parameters are still available.

GeneralSecurityException - if an error occurs while encrypting such as algorithms not found, bad paddings et cetera.


public void runDecryption(X509Certificate cert,
                          PrivateKey key)
                   throws GeneralSecurityException,
Decrypts a received request which has been decoded successfully by createRequest. The plain request parameters should be available then.

cert - The certificate matching the private key of the recipient.
key - The private Key Decryption Key required to decrypt the request.
GeneralSecurityException - if a cipher operation fails.
CorruptedCodeException - if the decrypted code is bad or the certificate of recipient is not valid.


public LSPRegisterPlain getRegisterPlain()
Returns the parameters of this request as LSPRegisterPlain structure, if available in plaintext, null otherwise.

The request parameters as LSPRegisterPlain structure


public byte[] getImplicitName()
Returns the implicit name, if available in plaintext, null otherwise.

Specified by:
getImplicitName in interface LSPRegister
The implicit name.


public URL getContactAddress()
Returns the contact address, if available in plaintext, an empty URL, if the encoded contact address is not well-formed, null otherwise.

Specified by:
getContactAddress in interface LSPRegister
The contact address.


public byte[] getNewCookie()
Returns the new cookie, if available in plaintext, null otherwise.

Specified by:
getNewCookie in interface LSPRegister
The new cookie.


public byte[] getCurrentCookie()
Returns the current cookie, if available in plaintext, null otherwise.

Specified by:
getCurrentCookie in interface LSPRegister
The currentcookie.


public byte[] getEncoded()
                  throws IllegalStateException
Returns the DER encoded encrypted request. This only makes sense, if runEncryption has been called before.

The encoded request.
IllegalStateException - if an exception occures during ASN1 encoding (RuntimeException).


public String toString()
Returns the string representation of this request as LSPPlainRegister structure, if available in plaintext, an errormessage, otherwise.

The string representation.

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