Class HSMInterpreter

  extended byde.fhg.igd.jhsm.HSMInterpreter
All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, Interpreter, Runnable, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class HSMInterpreter
extends Object
implements Interpreter, Serializable

An Interpreter for generic hsm data structures. This implementation was designed to run a generic hierarchical state machine in a multi threaded environment. One thread is responsible for processing the state machine. It runs the main loop of this class until the processing is finished or interrupted externally. An arbitrary number of other threads may call the event handling method of this class. Events will be held in a queue until the main thread is ready to handle them.

Note that only one thread may run the main loop of this class or else the flow of control might be corrupted.

This implementation is intended to be used only once for a given state machine. The hsm that should be interpreted is passed to the constructor and cannot be changed later. So if the interpratation is completed the interpereter can be thrown away.

"$Id: 1913 2007-08-08 02:41:53Z jpeters $"
Jan Haevecker
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
private  Context context_
          This corresponds to the context as defined in the Interpreter design pattern.
private  State current_
          The currently active state.
private  List eventQueue_
          A queue for incoming events.
private  boolean firedInternal_
          A flag indicating if recently an internal transition did fire.
private static Logger LOG
private  CompositeState root_
          A referece to the root state of the state machine that is processed by this class.
private  boolean running_
          A flag that indicates if this interpreter is running.
private  boolean suspended_
          A flag that indicates if this interpreter is suspended.
private  BooleanLock waiting_
          This tool is used to manage the wait/notify behavior of the control flow.
Constructor Summary
HSMInterpreter(CompositeState root)
          Sole Constructor.
Method Summary
private  void callEntry(State current, State target, State source)
          Recursively calls State.entry(Context) on all states that are on a path between the current state and the target state.
private  void callExit(State current, State target, State source)
          Recursively calls exit() on all states that are on a path between the target state and the source state.
 void eventReceived(Event event)
private  void fireTransition(InternalTransition trans)
protected  void fireTransition(Transition trans)
 Context getContext()
          Returns the context that is associated with the interpreted state machine.
private  State getCurrentState()
          Returns the state that is currently processed.
 CompositeState getRoot()
          Returns the root state of the state machine that is being processed.
private  boolean processQueuedEvents(State state)
          Processes pending events.
private  void processState(CompositeState state)
private  void processState(FinalState state)
protected  void processState(State state)
private  boolean processTransitions(State state)
          Fires a triggerless transition of the current state if the guard condition is satisfied.
private  boolean processTriggeredTransitions(State state, Event event)
          Processes triggered transitions.
private  void queueEvent(Event event)
 void run()
          Runs the interpretation of the state machine.
 void setContext(Context context)
          Initializes the context that will be associated with all actions of the interpreted state machine.
private  void setCurrentState(State current)
private  void setTriggerEvent(Event trigger)
 void shutdown()
          Signals the interpreter that it should stop the interpretation as soon as possible.
 void suspend()
          Signals the interpreter that it should suspend the interpretation as soon as possible.
 String toString()
          Overwritten for debugging purposes.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static final Logger LOG


private final List eventQueue_
A queue for incoming events.


private final BooleanLock waiting_
This tool is used to manage the wait/notify behavior of the control flow.


private CompositeState root_
A referece to the root state of the state machine that is processed by this class. This composite state works as a container for the rest of the state machine.


private State current_
The currently active state.


private volatile boolean running_
A flag that indicates if this interpreter is running. If it becomes false the processing of the state machine will stop. This is volatile because it may be set/read by the main thread and several other (event dispatching) threads.


private volatile boolean suspended_
A flag that indicates if this interpreter is suspended. A suspended interpreter can be resumed by calling the run() method again. This is volatile because it may be set/read by the main thread and several other (external) threads.


private Context context_
This corresponds to the context as defined in the Interpreter design pattern. It may be null since a context is not needed always.


private boolean firedInternal_
A flag indicating if recently an internal transition did fire.

Constructor Detail


public HSMInterpreter(CompositeState root)
Sole Constructor. The currently active state is set to root.

root - The root state of the state machine that is to be processed by this class.
Method Detail


public void eventReceived(Event event)
Specified by:
eventReceived in interface EventListener


public CompositeState getRoot()
Description copied from interface: Interpreter
Returns the root state of the state machine that is being processed.

Specified by:
getRoot in interface Interpreter
The root state of the state machine. This can be regarded as a simple container for the state machine. It is not a state in it's original definition.


public void run()
Description copied from interface: Interpreter
Runs the interpretation of the state machine. This is also called to start the interpretation.

Specified by:
run in interface Interpreter


public void suspend()
Description copied from interface: Interpreter
Signals the interpreter that it should suspend the interpretation as soon as possible.

Specified by:
suspend in interface Interpreter


public void shutdown()
Description copied from interface: Interpreter
Signals the interpreter that it should stop the interpretation as soon as possible.

Specified by:
shutdown in interface Interpreter


public String toString()
Overwritten for debugging purposes.


private void callEntry(State current,
                       State target,
                       State source)
Recursively calls State.entry(Context) on all states that are on a path between the current state and the target state. The path is a sequence of states that lie between current and target in an inorder traversal of the state hierarchy.

current - The state that is currently processed by this method. This is replaced during recursion.
target - Terminates the sequence of states (and the recursion).
source - The beginning of the sequence of states.


private void callExit(State current,
                      State target,
                      State source)
Recursively calls exit() on all states that are on a path between the target state and the source state. The path is a sequence of states that lie between current and target in an inorder traversal of the state hierarchy.

current - The state that is currently processed by this method. This is replaced during recursion.
target - Terminates the sequence of states (and the recursion).
source - The beginning of the sequence of states.


private State getCurrentState()
Returns the state that is currently processed.


private void fireTransition(InternalTransition trans)


protected void fireTransition(Transition trans)


protected void processState(State state)


private void processState(CompositeState state)


private void processState(FinalState state)


private boolean processTransitions(State state)
Fires a triggerless transition of the current state if the guard condition is satisfied.


private boolean processQueuedEvents(State state)
Processes pending events. It is checked wether a queued event is a trigger event for one of the transitions of the current state.

Note: Access to the event queue is not synchronized here! This must be done externally.

state - The state whose transitions will be checked.
true if an event did trigger a transition, false else.


private boolean processTriggeredTransitions(State state,
                                            Event event)
Processes triggered transitions. It is checked wether the given event is a trigger event for one of the transitions of the current state. If no transition fires from the current state, all inherited transitions are checked.

event - The event that might be a trigger for a transition.
state - The state whose transitions will be checked.
true if the event did trigger a transition, false else.


private void queueEvent(Event event)


private void setCurrentState(State current)


public void setContext(Context context)
Description copied from interface: Interpreter
Initializes the context that will be associated with all actions of the interpreted state machine.

The context does not necessarily have to be set. There are cases in which a global context is not needed. However, if the context is set, it must remain fixed!

Specified by:
setContext in interface Interpreter
context - The context that will be associated with all actions.


public Context getContext()
Description copied from interface: Interpreter
Returns the context that is associated with the interpreted state machine.

Specified by:
getContext in interface Interpreter
The context that is associated with all actions.


private void setTriggerEvent(Event trigger)

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