Package de.fhg.igd.jhsm

Interface Summary
Action "An action is an executable atomic computation." - Booch et al, The UML User Guide.
Component This is the base interface for all parts of the hsm hierarchy.
CompositeState "A state that has substates - that is, nested states - is called a composite state" - Booch et al, The UML User Guide.
Condition A condition that must be satisfied in order to enable an associated transition to fire.
Context A medium to publish and retrieve data to be shared between hsm components whose execution depends on some global memory state (e.g.
Dispatcher A dispatcher for events.
Event "In the real world, things happen.
EventBus Handles dispatchers for hsm events.
EventListener A listener for events.
Interpreter An Interpreter for hsm data structures.
State "A state is a condition or situation during the life of an object during which it satisfies some condition, performs some activity, or waits for some event." - Booch et al, The UML User Guide.
Transition "A transition is a relationship between two states indicating that an object in the first state will perform certain actions and enter the second state when a specified event occurs and specified conditions are satisfied.

Class Summary
CompositeAction An action that is composed of a sequence of other actions.
FinalState This state indicates that the execution of the state machine or the enclosing state has been completed.
HSM A generic hierarchical state machine.
HSMContext A generic context.
HSMEvent A generic event.
HSMEventBus A dispatcher for global hsm events.
HSMInterpreter An Interpreter for generic hsm data structures.
HSMState A generic state.
HSMTransition A generic transition.
InitialState This is the default starting place for a state machine.
InternalTransition Internal transitions are for the handling of events without executing the state's entry and exit actions.
Pseudostate A special kind of state that neither may have the usual parts of a normal state (action, entry, exit, ...).

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