Package de.fhg.igd.atlas.core

Interface Summary
AgentTracer Defines the interface to an AgentTracer implementation, which provides a watch list for agents.
LSAdminService Defines the interface to parts of a LSProxyService respectively LSServerService implementation.
LSClientService Defines the interface to a LSClientService implementation.
LSProxyService Defines the interface to a LSProxyService implementation.
LSServerService Defines the interface to a LSServerService implementation.
StorageDB Provides the interface for storage databases which are used to store entries of type StorageDBEntry.
StorageDBEntry The interface for entry objects which can be stored in StorageDB databases.

Class Summary
AgentTracerImpl Provides the function of an Agent Tracer, which tracks the current location of agents, making use of a locally installed LSClientService interface.
AtlasFilter Provides an AgentFilter which informs the LSClient of all agents who pass this filter.
AtlasSetup This setup filter must be registered under the path of the AgentLauncher.
CookieManager Provides all methods needed for the Location Service Protocol (LSP) which deal with cookie generation and storage.
LSClient Provides an interface between the SeMoA server and the location service.
LSClientServiceImpl Provides the functionality of the Location Server Client (LSClient) which allows a user to register and lookup locations of mobile objects.
LSProxy Provides a proxy server that will be used as gateway to Location Service Servers (LSServer) by Location Service Clients (LSClient) in the local LAN if existent.
LSProxyServiceImpl Provides the functionality of the Location Server Proxy (LSProxy) which can be seen as gateway between Location Service Client (LSClient) and Location Service Server (LSServer).
LSServer Provides a server of the location service which stores implicit name to contact address mappings.
LSServerServiceImpl Provides the functionality of the Location Server Server (LSServer) which can store location entries of mobile agents in its internal storage database.
MemoryDB Provides a memory databases which is used to store entries of type MemoryDBEntry.
MemoryDBEntry Entry objects which can be stored in MemoryDB databases.
ProxyInfo Encapsulates the functionality needed to discover a Location Service Proxy (LSProxy) in local LAN.
ServerInfo Encapsulates the functionality needed to map implicit names of mobile objects to a corresponding Location Service Server (LSServer), which is responsible for storing their current locations then.
StorageDBEvent This class represents a database event.
StorageDBImmutableEntry Represents an immutable StorageDBEntry.

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