Interface LSProxyService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface LSProxyService

Defines the interface to a LSProxyService implementation. The LSProxyService provides the functionality of the Location Server Proxy (LSProxy) which can be seen as gateway between Location Service Client (LSClient) and Location Service Server (LSServer).

"$Id: 1913 2007-08-08 02:41:53Z jpeters $"
Jan Peters
See Also:

Method Summary
 LSPReply lookup(LSPLookup request)
          Handles the given lookup request (see LSPLookup).
 LSPReply proxyInvalidate(LSPProxyInvalidate request)
          Handles the given proxy invalidate request (see LSPProxyInvalidate).
 LSPReply refresh(LSPRefresh request)
          Handles the given refresh request (see LSPRefresh).
 LSPReply registerPlain(LSPRegisterPlain request)
          Handles the given register plain request (see LSPRegister).

Method Detail


public LSPReply lookup(LSPLookup request)
Handles the given lookup request (see LSPLookup).

  lookup in local database
The lookup request is processed in the local database. If the entry has not been not found the request is forwarded to the corresponding LSServer and this result is returned.

Following reply states and bodies are possible (see LSPReply):

The SERVER_ERROR_FLAG of the reply is set, if the reply state of the LSServer has been an IO_ERROR.

request - The register lookup.
The reply to the given request.


public LSPReply registerPlain(LSPRegisterPlain request)
Handles the given register plain request (see LSPRegister).
  +--registerPlain in local database
The request is processed in the local database first. If the reply state is not ACKNOWLEDGE, registration is aborted and the reply returned directly.

If the reply was succesful the request is forwarded to the corresponding LSServer by using encryption respectively encoding of the request message if security options are available, using plain messages otherwise.

Nevertheless the result of the request processed on the local database will be returned (the proxy's state is more important than the serer's one)

Following reply states are possible (see LSPReply):

The SERVER_ERROR_FLAG of the reply is set, if the reply state of the LSServer has been an IO_ERROR.

In the case that an update request could not be processed succesfully on proxy respectively server side, because the corresponding entry has not been found, it's tried to reinitialize the entry with an init request.

request - The register plain request.
The reply to the given request.


public LSPReply refresh(LSPRefresh request)
Handles the given refresh request (see LSPRefresh). Following reply states and bodies are possible (see LSPReply):

request - The refresh request.
The reply to the given request.


public LSPReply proxyInvalidate(LSPProxyInvalidate request)
Handles the given proxy invalidate request (see LSPProxyInvalidate). Following reply states are possible (see LSPReply):

request - The proxy invalidate request.
The reply to the given request.

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