Class LSProxyServiceImpl

  extended byde.fhg.igd.semoa.service.AbstractService
      extended byde.fhg.igd.atlas.core.LSProxyServiceImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
LSAdminService, LSProxyService, Service

public class LSProxyServiceImpl
extends AbstractService
implements LSProxyService, LSAdminService

Provides the functionality of the Location Server Proxy (LSProxy) which can be seen as gateway between Location Service Client (LSClient) and Location Service Server (LSServer).

"$Id: 1913 2007-08-08 02:41:53Z jpeters $"
Jan Peters
See Also:
LSProxyService, LSProxy

Field Summary
protected  LSClientServiceImpl clientService_
          The reference to the LSClientService interface.
private static String[] DEPEND_
          The dependencies to other objects in the global Environment.
private static Logger log_
          The Logger instance for this class
protected  boolean securityOptions_
          This flag is set, when it's possible to use registerEncrypted and registerEncoded, which need special security algorithms.
protected  LSServerServiceImpl serverService_
          The reference to the LSServerService interface.
Fields inherited from class de.fhg.igd.semoa.service.AbstractService
Constructor Summary
LSProxyServiceImpl(StorageDB storageDB, boolean verifyContactAddress)
          Creates an instance of this class with the given parameters.
Method Summary
 TrustedListener addListener(Listener listener)
          Adds a Listener.
 String author()
          Returns the String with the author's name.
 String[] dependencies()
          Returns the dependencies of this service as described in Service.
 boolean getEventFlag()
          Returns the current state of the event flag of the server's internal database.
 long getTimeout()
          Returns the timeout of entries in the server database.
 String info()
          Returns the String with the service's short description.
protected  boolean initLSInfrastructure(String configFile)
          Initialize the location service infrastructure of distributed LS-Servers by parsing the given configuration file.
protected  boolean initLSInfrastructure(URL configLdapServer)
          Initialize the location service infrastructure of distributed LS-Servers by requesting the configuration from a LDAP server with the given URL.
 LSPReply list(LSPList request)
          Handles the given list request (see LSPList).
 LSPReply lookup(LSPLookup request)
          Handles the given lookup request (see LSPLookup).
 LSPReply proxyInvalidate(LSPProxyInvalidate request)
          Handles the given proxy invalidate request (see LSPProxyInvalidate).
 LSPReply refresh(LSPRefresh request)
          Handles the given refresh request (see LSPRefresh).
 LSPReply registerPlain(LSPRegisterPlain request)
          Handles the given register plain request (see LSPRegister).
 String revision()
          Returns the revision number of this class as a string.
 boolean securityAvailable()
          Returns the availability of encryption and encoding what needs special cryptographic algorithms.
 void setEventFlag(boolean flag)
          Sets the event flag to enable respectively disable the generation of events within the proxy's internal database.
 void setTimeout(long timeout)
          Sets the timeout of entries in the proxy database.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class de.fhg.igd.semoa.service.AbstractService
checkDependencies, docs, doPrivileged, doPrivileged, getACC, getEnvironment, majorVersion, minorVersion
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static Logger log_
The Logger instance for this class


private static final String[] DEPEND_
The dependencies to other objects in the global Environment.


protected LSServerServiceImpl serverService_
The reference to the LSServerService interface.


protected LSClientServiceImpl clientService_
The reference to the LSClientService interface.


protected boolean securityOptions_
This flag is set, when it's possible to use registerEncrypted and registerEncoded, which need special security algorithms.

Constructor Detail


public LSProxyServiceImpl(StorageDB storageDB,
                          boolean verifyContactAddress)
Creates an instance of this class with the given parameters. If storageDB is null, the MemoryDB is used as default database for the server.

storageDB - The storage database used to store the location entries of mobile objects.
verifyContactAddress - If this flag is set, the contact address given in a call of registerPlain is verified (see LSServerServiceImpl.
Method Detail


protected boolean initLSInfrastructure(String configFile)
Initialize the location service infrastructure of distributed LS-Servers by parsing the given configuration file. If configFile is null, no server will be initialized.

configFile - The name the configuration file containing the configuration of the location service infrastructure.
true, if the given configuration file has been parsed successfully, false otherwise.


protected boolean initLSInfrastructure(URL configLdapServer)
Initialize the location service infrastructure of distributed LS-Servers by requesting the configuration from a LDAP server with the given URL. If configLdapServer is null, no server will be initialized.

configLdapServer - The URL of the ldap server maintaining the configuration of the location service infrastructure.
true, if the configuration has been received successfully from the given LDAP server, false otherwise.


public String info()
Returns the String with the service's short description.

Specified by:
info in interface Service
Specified by:
info in class AbstractService
The String with the service's short description.


public String author()
Returns the String with the author's name.

Specified by:
author in interface Service
Specified by:
author in class AbstractService
The String with the author's name.


public String revision()
Returns the revision number of this class as a string.

Specified by:
revision in class AbstractService
The revision number of this class as a string.


public String[] dependencies()
Returns the dependencies of this service as described in Service.

Specified by:
dependencies in interface Service
dependencies in class AbstractService
The array of dependencies.


public String toString()
toString in class AbstractService
The string representation of this instance.


public long getTimeout()
Returns the timeout of entries in the server database.

Specified by:
getTimeout in interface LSAdminService
The timeout of entries in the server database or 0 if the timeout mechanism is deactivated.


public void setTimeout(long timeout)
Sets the timeout of entries in the proxy database. A timeout of 0 deactivates the timeout mechanism.

Specified by:
setTimeout in interface LSAdminService
timeout - The timeout in milli seconds.


public boolean securityAvailable()
Returns the availability of encryption and encoding what needs special cryptographic algorithms.

Specified by:
securityAvailable in interface LSAdminService
true if secure register requests can be handled; false otherwise.


public TrustedListener addListener(Listener listener)
Adds a Listener. The Listener will receive events of the type StorageDBEvent. Iff the event flag has been set, those events are triggered by the internal database of the proy to incrementally describe its state. Listener instances passed to this method shall be wrapped in a TrustedListener which is then returned.

Specified by:
addListener in interface LSAdminService
listener - The Listener to be registered.
The TrustedListener that wraps around the given Listener.
NullPointerException - if listener is null.


public void setEventFlag(boolean flag)
Sets the event flag to enable respectively disable the generation of events within the proxy's internal database.

Specified by:
setEventFlag in interface LSAdminService
flag - The event flag to be set.


public boolean getEventFlag()
Returns the current state of the event flag of the server's internal database.

Specified by:
getEventFlag in interface LSAdminService
The event flag.


public LSPReply lookup(LSPLookup request)
Handles the given lookup request (see LSPLookup).

  lookup in local database
The lookup request is processed in the local database. If the entry has not been not found the request is forwarded to the corresponding LSServer and this result is returned.

Following reply states and bodies are possible (see LSPReply):

The SERVER_ERROR_FLAG of the reply is set, if the reply state of the LSServer has been an IO_ERROR.

Specified by:
lookup in interface LSProxyService
request - The register lookup.
The reply to the given request.


public LSPReply registerPlain(LSPRegisterPlain request)
Handles the given register plain request (see LSPRegister).
  +--registerPlain in local database
The request is processed in the local database first. If the reply state is not ACKNOWLEDGE, registration is aborted and the reply is returned directly.

If the reply was succesful the request is forwarded to the corresponding LSServer by using encryption respectively encoding of the request message if security options are available, using plain messages otherwise.

Nevertheless the result of the request processed on the local database will be returned (the proxy's state is more important than the serer's one)

Following reply states are possible (see LSPReply):

The SERVER_ERROR_FLAG of the reply is set, if the reply state of the LSServer has been an IO_ERROR.

In the case that an update request could not be processed succesfully on proxy respectively server side, because the corresponding entry has not been found, it's tried to reinitialize the entry with an init request.

Specified by:
registerPlain in interface LSProxyService
request - The register plain request.
The reply to the given request.


public LSPReply refresh(LSPRefresh request)
Handles the given refresh request (see LSPRefresh). Following reply states and bodies are possible (see LSPReply):

Specified by:
refresh in interface LSProxyService
request - The refresh request.
The reply to the given request.


public LSPReply list(LSPList request)
Handles the given list request (see LSPList). Following reply states and bodies are possible (see LSPReply):

Specified by:
list in interface LSAdminService
request - The list request.
The reply to the given request.


public LSPReply proxyInvalidate(LSPProxyInvalidate request)
Handles the given proxy invalidate request (see LSPProxyInvalidate). Following reply states are possible (see LSPReply):

Specified by:
proxyInvalidate in interface LSProxyService
request - The proxy invalidate request.
The reply to the given request.

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